Saturday, March 5, 2011


Ghost photography 101

This is a basic review of ghost photography, and tips and tricks you need to know. All ghost hunters should know at least the basics to ghost photography, and this information will allow you the best chance to catch photographic paranormal evidence. Its also points out common things to do and not to do when trying to take photographs.

Getting started

Paranormal investigating in general is a gamble and trying to catch photographic evidence is no different. Just because it appears you have going to catch something doesn't mean you will. However, photos are still the most common way of capturing evidence of a ghost. Your camera should always be in good condition and with you at all times during an investigation. Its equally hard to catch photographic evidence whether its day or night, depending on the activity of the location and the natural conditions.

Type of camera's to use

You can use almost any camera to try to capture paranormal activity. Although we don't suggest it, even disposable cameras can be used in a pinch. The average consumer uses the "point and shoot" digital cameras that have some unique features. They range from 8 megapixel to 14 megapixel and they tend to be affordable. We believe its well worth the investment. You could also purchase a reasonable 35MM camera, it won't have all of the features the digital camera does, but it has the added benefit of using actual film which produces a negative.

Digital Camera's are a great tool for ghost hunters, but...

Digital cameras have many features 35MM cameras do not. They allow you to take far more photos in a given timeframe. They allow you to view your photos immediately. Plus they do not require film. However, since they don't have film its far harder to prove an image to be real that was taken with a digital camera. The negative produced by a 35MM camera can prove the most valuable photographic evidence you can have when trying to convince others your photos are real. For this reason its usually best to use the two types of cameras together. Using the digital camera to find any anomalies and then trying to use the 35MM camera to actually document them. No matter which camera you use, you should also be aware of certain weather conditions, such as strong wind, dust, pollen, and water vapor, which can give your cameras false anomalies. Trying to take photos in these conditions will make your evidence less credible.

Here are nineteen helpful tips:

1. You can find ghosts anywhere. They're not just limited to graveyards or that old house on the edge of town. They can be at your local library or recreational parks. Bring your camera with you everywhere you go at night and take a few shots. You maybe surprised with the results.

2.If your ghost hunting at night, make sure you have any night vision abilities on your camera active. If you don't, the images may come out distorted.

3. Make sure all your photos have a focus. Try not to take images of just open spaces. Having an object to focus on adds quality to your photo and allows light to have something to reflect off of.

4. When on an investigation take as many pictures as possible to up the chances of you catching an anomaly. Make sure to take photos if you have any strange EMF spikes, temperature drops, or hear strange noises.

5.Always remember never to take photos of shiny surfaces, such as mirrors, glass windows, and gravestones. These can create false images to appear in your photographs. Taking an image through a window can have the same effect, so try your best not to.

6.Keeping a clean lens is mandatory. If you have dirt or a smudge on your camera lens it can easily show up as an anomaly while reviewing the photos. Also remember this when reviewing the photos as a possible explanation for mist-like images.

7. Always keep track of your camera lens cap and camera strap. You don't want to see a apparition and take its photo, only to later realize you've left the lens cap on your camera, or the strap has obstructed the lens. Watch how your holding the camera as well, because a finger on or near the lens can also create a psudeo-paranormal anomaly.

8. Other ghostly anomalies can be caused by long hair falling in front of the lens. If you have long hair make sure to tie it back before starting to take photos.

9. Hazardous weather conditions can cause anomalies on photos that can appear to be orbs or other ghostly phenomena. Beware and look for things such as fog, rain droplets and dust in the air.

10. When taking images in the winter, take pictures away from you. Your breathing can cause anomaly such as mists or orbs to appear in your photos. Cigarette smoke can also cause these anomalies.

11. You should never take a photo in the direction of the sun or any other direct light source. This can cause an image anomaly called a "lens flair". Lens flairs are often mistaken for ghostly phenomena, so to avoid having any, try to keep whatever your light source is behind you.

12. Its always a good idea to take photos during EVP sessions. Spirits tend to become more active during EVP sessions making it more likely that you will catch something.

13. When taking photos, try to get as much of the area in your view as possible. Spirits are not limited to walking across the ground and a lot tend to hover several feet from the ground.

14. Its rare but can occur while taking photos, but you may come across an evil entity. Never dare a demonic entity to manifest itself. Never taunt or encourage any type of negative being. If you think an evil spirit is nearby, leave the area immediately.

15.Trusting your instincts when investigating can pay off. If you have an uneasy feeling in a location, take photos.

16.Remember ghosts were people too. They're willingness to communicate with people isn't that uncommon. Tip: when taking photos you can use a member of your group to try to attract ghosts to a location. Take photos of the person leaving enough space around them in the photo to make sure there's enough room to detect any anomalies.

17.The winter months tend to be more conductive for paranormal activity, as the atmosphere is more charged during those months, making it theoretically more plausible for ghosts to manifest themselves. Everyday activity slows down as well, making it easier to notice paranormal activity.

18.You must remember when taking photos at night, your flash has limitations to it. Usually in the area of 15 feet. If your trying to take a picture of something further away then that, its most likely going to come out extremely dark or not at all. Most cameras have an attachment that can add distance to your flash by making it brighter if you choose to use one.

19. Photographing the paranormal can be a rich and rewarding experience. Take careful note of the information above and you'll be well on your way to collecting your own photographic evidence of the paranormal.

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